Fun! Fun! Moomin kids party!
Come with your baby/toddler/young learner to enjoy two hours of fun with music, story telling and more! JPY1,000 per adult.
日時 6月18(日)
時間 受付開始13:00 イベント開始13:30 イベント終了15:30(予定)
定員 子ども15人 親子で参加のみ 子どもは着席ですが、保護者はスタンディングになります ※先着順
対象年齢 1歳半~5歳 日本人、外国人ともに参加可。 ※どなたでもご参加いただけます
参加費 20歳以上1000円、子ども無料 ※紅茶、小菓子の提供あり
場所 Moomin kindergarten (ムーミン幼稚園) 港区赤坂2-18-12
東京メトロ 南北線・銀座線「溜池山王駅」12番出口から徒歩3分
東京メトロ 千代田線「赤坂駅」 5a出口から徒歩6分
東京メトロ 南北線「六本木一丁目駅」 3番出口から徒歩6分
Event Contents
✓ フィンランド人教師 Minna先生とギター&ピアノを使った英語の音楽遊び
✓ティータイム ※内容は変更になる場合があります
★入園に関するお問合せ 080-9579-0860(英語/日本語ともに対応)

Moomin valentine maker February 11th, 11:00-11:45am
Come celebrate Valentine's day with us!
Please join us for our monthly MAKER workshop for parents & kids aged 0-5 years old.
This month: Moomin Friendship Valentine's Day workshop. Let's make a beautiful Valentine themed Moomin painting and learn about the friendship between Moomin and Snufkin through a musical story!
JPY2,000 per adult, children attend FREE!

Christmas Workshops with Moomin
RSVP: here...
Christmas is a time to make and to share!
Join us at Moomin Kindergarten to empower your child to be a creator with Moomin!
During the month of december join us for a series of workshops where you and your children get an opportunity to make something scandinavian and celebrate the holidays.
Through our Maker workshops children are encouraged and learn a wide variety of skills such as: 1) Confidence, 2) Social Skills, and 3) Fine Motor Skills 4) Concentration 5) Creative and Technical skills.
Saturday December 3: Make your own Himmeli for your Chirsmas tree
10am: Children (any age) and parents
11:15am: Open to all
Fee: JPY2,000 per adult, children attend free
Dec 5-9 Everyday from 3-4pm we'll make something different for Christmas: Advent calendar, Himmeli, Tonttus, Snow flakes, a Finnish Christmas for all!
Friday December 9: Learn how to make Gloggy
7pm: Open to all JPY2,000
Saturday December 10: Baking for Christmas with Moomin: Make finnish traditional Pulla.
10am: Children (any age) and parents
11:15am: Open to all
Fee: JPY2,000 per adult, children attend free
Saturday december 10: Learn how to prepare a traditional Finnish Christmas Dinner & Eat it!
3pm & 6pm: Open to all
Fee: JPY3,000
Dec 12-16 Everyday from 3-4pm we'll make something different for Christmas: Advent calendar, Himmeli, Tonttus, Snow flakes, a Finnish Christmas for all!
午前11時15 分:どなたでも
12月5日〜9日 と12月12日〜16日毎日午後3時から4時まで、Advent calendar、Himmeli、Tonttu、Snow flakes、フィンランドのクリスマスに楽しましょう!

Mind Map with your Child!
You and your baby/toddler/children are invited to mind map with Minna.
RSVP here.

Open House
Come join for a tour of our premises and to hear about our philosophy and what it's like to attend Moomin Kindergarten.
RSVP here.

Bouncing Bubbles with Moomin in the Park
Have your kids ever tried bouncing a bubble?
Come join us on Saturday Oct 22 from 10:00-12:00pm at (midtown park in Akasaka -exact location sent to those who RSVP) to make some of the most amazing bubbles ever.
In this workshop your children will discover the science behind making a bubble stronger and to make it last longer.
What's more, children of all ages can make different shapes and even hold the bubbles in their hands.
We don't know if the moomins invented this recipe, but they surely had fun with bubbles!
Come join us! RSVP here!
Did you know Moomin Kindergarten offers 30% discount for the 2nd child in your family?
How to Raise a Happy and Healthy Mama 5 Week course
Fridays: September 30, Oct 7, Oct 14th, Oct 21 and Oct 28th
from: 9:30-11:30
This 5 week course is focused on simplifying life, be more productive and effective. Led by facilitator Carmela Fleury, a Certified Martha Beck Life Coach and Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Happy and Healthy Mama, Happy and Healthy you!
Do you want to feel more calm and joy while mothering?
Are you looking for a Village to mother you?
Danish Embassy Private Event
Jens Martin Suzuki-Højrup Lecture: Danish architect working in Japan.
Danish Embassy Private Event
Lecture by professor Mrs. Sayaka Fujii about Tokyo Urban planning and planning of the Tokyo Olympics.

Hotelli Aalto Weekend Getaway: Forest activities with children, parents and educators
A very special weekend collaboration between Hotelli Aalto and Moomin International Kindergarten

Executive Function Workshop (How does a child learn?)
During this workshop we will discuss:
-What executive functions are and the three primary learning paradigms children use.
-Talk about why some kids are more fidgety than others during storytime and how to address the behavior.
-Talk about how girls and boys generally learn differently and what we can do to help kids access the curriculum at critical ages.
Speech Language Pathologist Seth Koster M.S. CCC-SLP
Fee: Free

“How to Raise a Happy and Healthy YOU”
Does a coach really help us improve by giving us honest feedback?
Come find out in this coaching workshop.
Mommy & baby Move and Sing to the Piano & Music: Friday's @10.30am
Every Friday we meet for a mommy/daddy and baby playful music workshop. While one of our teachers plays the piano and signs, you and your baby can express joy and love for each other and use music as a medium to interact and engage.
Japanese Culture Club-2F Weekly
Ikebana- You are welcome to bring your baby/toddler. They can play while you make!
Empowering Women Shine Open Programme 3F
Develop confidence and leadership capacity.
What are Japanese Foods and Cloths?
What are the Japanese Foods and Cloths? 3F
Reception to follow.
What is our way of living?- possibility of double majors of nomad worker and farmer by Mr. Shiomi
What is our way of living?- Possibility of double majors of nomad worker and farmer by Mr. Shiomi. 3F
Dialogue with Mr. Kumano (President of the Shinrai Shihon Zaidan)
Reception to follow.
Women Help Women: Global Summit of Women Report
Report about Global Summit of Women event organized by Women Help Women.

Cx3 BOOSTER Workshop
”Cx3 BOOSTER”[síːθríːbúːstəː]
means BOOST your team’s threeCs…Cooperative CreativeCommunication.
Poor communication can cause various problems to a group and also belonged individuals.
Cx3BOOSTER has been developed to achieve improved outcome for your organisation and your personal well-being through the three Cs.
We put emphasis on not instant team-making, but building in a way primitive, trust and respect-based fair human relationship via the game. We aim greater profit to the organisation, well-being for the individuals and following social contribution eventually.

Cx3 BOOSTER Wokshop
”Cx3 BOOSTER”[síːθríːbúːstəː]
means BOOST your team’s threeCs…Cooperative CreativeCommunication.
Poor communication can cause various problems to a group and also belonged individuals.
Cx3BOOSTER has been developed to achieve improved outcome for your organisation and your personal well-being through the three Cs.
We put emphasis on not instant team-making, but building in a way primitive, trust and respect-based fair human relationship via the game. We aim greater profit to the organisation, well-being for the individuals and following social contribution eventually.